
KES 250 ($1.89) per check

Pay Per Use

  • Suitable for one-time use
  • Pay for a specific number of checks
  • Checks paid for do not expire until used
  • Recommended for vetting up to 8 candidates to fill one role

KES 185 ($1.39) per check

Basic Monthly Package

  • Get 100 checks valid for one month
  • Save KES 6,500 ($50) monthly
  • Recommended for vetting up to 30 candidates a month
  • Unused checks roll over to the next month or year*

KES 155 ($1.19) per check

Basic Annual Package

  • Get 1,500 checks valid for one year
  • Save KES 142,500 ($1,050) annually
  • Recommended for vetting up to 40 candidates a month
  • Unused checks roll over to the next month or year*

KES 125 ($0.99) per check

Enterprise Monthly Package

  • Get 600 checks valid for one month
  • Save KES 75,000 ($540) monthly
  • Recommended for vetting up to 190 candidates a month
  • Unused checks roll over to the next month or year*

KES 85 ($0.69) per check

Enterprise Annual Package

  • Get 9,000 checks valid for one year
  • Save KES 1.485M ($10,800) annually
  • Recommended for vetting up to 250 candidates a month
  • Unused checks roll over to the next month or year*

* Unused checks will be added up to the next month or year if the subscription is renewed before expiry.

This is regardless of whether the customer chooses to upgrade, downgrade, or just maintain their current subscription package.

All unused checks only expire if there is no active subscription on the account.